20% by 2010 Community

Tolland has committed to the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund’s 20% by 2010 campaign. In order to fulfill this commitment, Tolland has partnered with Community Energy to allow 2,000,000 kWh of wind energy to enter the grid over the next two years. Learn more about Tolland's Clean Energy Resolution.

Tolland has also committed to the EPA Community Challenge, which challenges towns to find ways toreduce the their energy consumption by 10%. The Tolland Energy Task Force has been challenged to benchmark and identify efficiency and behavioral improvements to allow Tolland to achieve this 10% reduction goal across it’s municipal and Board of Education buildings.

Call to Action - Help Tolland earn a FREE SOLAR ARRAY!

The CT Clean Energy Fund’s 20% by 2010 campaign rewards towns for:

  • Signing the 20% by 2010 commitment.
  • Participating in the EPA Community Challenge.
  • For getting it’s residents to commit to clean energy purchase for their personal residences.

So, the call to action is for you to sign up and earn Tolland FREE Solar!

Why should I sign up for Clean Energy?

When you sign up for the CTClean Energy Options SM program, the lights will still go on and your appliances will work just the same as they always have. The only difference is that you will be helping to support cleaner air, a healthier community, and true energy independence.

Act now and there’s a SPECIAL BONUS:

For every 100 customers who sign up for CTClean Energy Options SM, our town will receive a FREE 1kW solar energy system from the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund! Final out about clean energy in our town at Communities – Tolland or call (860) 563-0015.