June 9, 2011

Black Bear Sightings

Residents should be aware but not alarmed that there have been confirmed Black Bear sightings by residents on Old Post Rd and other areas in Tolland. We believe this to be the same bear sighted by Vernon Police on June 3 on Tolland Street/Route 74 in Vernon. The bear has been observed in backyards feeding on birdfeeders and getting into garbage bins.

Tolland Animal Control would like to remind residents to remove bird feeders for the summer season as well as to keep garbage bins in sheds or garages. We also suggest keeping compost piles, pet foods and hobby bee hives away from your residence.

Remember that these animals are wild and residents are cautioned that you should NOT feed or pet them. Should the bear visit your yard try banging pots and pans together or making loud noises to scare them away.

If you see a bear, please contact Tolland Animal Control at 860-871-3676 and leave a message to report the color of the ear tag, location, date and time of the sighting.

Unless there is immediate danger, there is no need to call 911, general Town offices or the D.E.P. Contact Tolland Animal Control to report your sighting.