Annual Unlicensed Dog Survey to be Conducted

The Tolland Animal Control Department would like to notify residents that a survey for unlicensed dogs will be conducted.   Pursuant to the Regulations of State Agencies Section 22-349-1, Animal Control Officers will be contacting residents at random beginning later in the month.  This activity will begin on or about April 15, 2023 and conclude by June 30, 2023.

Reminder to dog owners: Dogs age six months and older are required to be licensed.  Licenses are available in the Town Clerk’s Office located in Town Hall during regular business hours.  Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Thursday 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM, Friday closed. Proof of current rabies vaccination is required.  All dog licenses purchased from June 1, 2022 to present are considered current. Owners must renew their licenses beginning in June 2023.  If you no longer own or the dog is deceased, please contact 860-871-3676 to update our licensing database or send an email to including the owner’s name, address and the dog’s name. Be sure to include why the dog isn’t licensed. 

IMPORTANT: Please take note that by failing to license your dog(s) with the town each year, you are also in violation of Connecticut State Statute §22-338.  This violation carries an additional penalty of $75.00 for each unlicensed dog owned or kept by you, should an infraction ticket is issued.  Animal Control Officers are required to issue infraction tickets to those in violation of the State statute. If you have any questions regarding licensing, please contact our office at 860-871-3676.
