Tax Calculation Form - Motor Vehicles

FY2024/2025 Town Manager Proposed Budget

This calculator reflects the Proposed Town Manager Budget.

Prior Mill Rate: 32.46

Current Mill Rate: 32.46 for Motor Vehicles  

Input the Following: (numbers ONLY, no commas or $)

(A) Your Vehicle's New Assessed Value 10/01/2023

(B) Your Vehicle's OLD Assessed Value 10/01/2022

To obtain your motor vehicle’s assessed value, please call the Assessor’s Office at 860-871-3650.

Click to Calculate
(Results Appear Below)

Results: (Do not enter any information below this box)

Tax Information


Description of Taxes$ Annual$ Monthly

Old Taxes Due
Your 10/01/2022 Assessment multiplied by 32.46, then divided by 1,000.

New Taxes Due
Your 10/01/2023 Assessment multiplied by 32.46, then divided by 1,000.

Tax Change:


Description of Change$ Annual$ Monthly

Change in taxes due to the impact of any change in your assessed value and any change in the mill rate.