CT law requires that all dogs six months of age or older be licensed in the month of June.  New dog licenses are available in person or by mail. The cost is $8.00 for altered dogs and $19.00 unaltered dogs.  A one dollar late fee per dog will be charged each month for those who are late. 

All dogs must have proof of a current rabies vaccination on file.  Reminders are being mailed September 1. Please check the rabies expiration date printed on the notice.  When licensing by mail, please make checks payable to “Town of Tolland” and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of your tags and paperwork.  Mail it to:  Kathleen Pagan, Town Clerk, 21 Tolland Green, Tolland, CT 06084.

You can also renew your dog license(s) online by using your credit/debit card. There is a $1.75 convenience fee added to allow for this online service.  A valid rabies certificate must already be on file.  You will need to enter your dog’s current tag number.

If you no longer own your licensed dog, please notify us at 860-871-3630 or email us at so that we can remove the record.

Remember:  Per CT State Statute, the fine for having an unlicensed dog is $75.00.